cvs commit: ports/net-im Makefile ports/net-im/pino Makefile distinfo pkg-descr pkg-plist

Tilman Linneweh arved at
Tue Mar 16 20:09:27 UTC 2010

On Mar 15, 2010, at 17:27 , Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
>>>>> Despite that I can imagine why would someone might want to put things
>>>>> like Twitter clients under `instant messengers', doesn't `www' look a
>>>>> better category for these?
>>>> So you want me repocopy all these ?
>>>> net/py-twitter            A python wrapper around the Twitter API
>>>> net/rubygem-rubytter      A simple twitter library
>>>> net/rubygem-twitter       Command line twits and an API wrapper
>>>> net/rubygem-twitter4r     Twitter client API in pure Ruby
>>>> net/twitux                GNOME client for Twitter
>>>> net-im/pidgin-twitter     A pidgin plugin to help twitting via pidgin
>>>> net-im/qwit               A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
>>>> net-im/qwit-devel         A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
>>>> net-im/rubygem-termtter   A terminal based twitter client
>>>> net-im/ttytter            Command-line Twitter client in Perl
>>>> net-im/twirssi            Twitter script to irssi
>>>> net-im/twitmail           Curses-based mail-like interface to twitter
>>> No, of course not, that's not what I said.  I'm talking only about that
>>> 1) we probably need to decide where we put Twitter-like and other
>>> microblogging stuff from now on; and 2) we might move ports that do not
>>> require repocopies.
>> I agree with you,
>> What do you think about net-im as main category and www as second
>> category?  And if we get more social programs maybe a virtual
>> category for social tools?
> Touch choice, I would say.  As it is sometimes described as "SMS of the
> Internet", both `net-im' and `www' seem to be appropriate categories.
> Twitter might be viewed as some Web-2.0'ish mix of IRC+ICQ+SMS, which
> kinda votes for `net-im', but 

ports/web20 *d&r*

The question is, what is the key attribute that qualifies a port for the www/ category.
- Transporting data over http(s)
- Creating, Serving and displaying Web pages.

I would have guessed the latter.

So I would vote for ports/net because not everything that has some kind of interactivity is an instant messenger.

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