Shoud devel port be RC or GIT based?

CeDeROM tomek.cedro at
Thu Mar 4 21:14:47 UTC 2010

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Dominic Fandrey <kamikaze at> wrote:
>> (...)
>> allow better testing for non-freebsd-aware users. Would that be more
>> convenient to base such devel port on a RC releases, or directly the
>> GIT repository?
> This approach is not very popular. An RC release is fine, but if you
> want to test builds right from a repository, you are well advised to
> create snapshots, package them and base your ports on these.

OK, thank you for all hints. I will leave devel port RC based. I hope
someone will push the ports for both openocd and openocd-devel as the
stable version is available for some time already...

Best regards,
Tomek Cedro


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