FreeBSD Port: sysutils/eventlog evtlog.h missing facilities

Peter Lai cowbert at
Wed Mar 3 21:58:49 UTC 2010

Hi Ivan

Would it be possible to look into merging base's syslog.h with
eventlog's evtlog.h ?

The reason is, evtlog.h is missing a bunch of facility codes that is
in FreeBSD's syslog.h:

#define LOG_NTP         (12<<3) /* NTP subsystem */
#define LOG_SECURITY    (13<<3) /* security subsystems (firewalling, etc.) */
#define LOG_CONSOLE     (14<<3) /* /dev/console output */

should be added to evtlog.h so that eventlog and syslog-ng can support
those types (like LOG_CONSOLE) otherwise in syslog-ng, trying to
filter on facility(console) will fail with unsupport facility type...

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