INDEX build failed for 6.x

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Fri Jul 16 15:42:58 UTC 2010

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-6 - please wait.."Makefile", line 276: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO_MSG} "This port chown -R various directories ${FREESWITCH_USER}:${FREESWITCH_GROUP} ""
"Makefile", line 277: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO_MSG} "this is for port security . in the event something should stop working.""
"Makefile", line 278: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO_MSG} "Please take the time to check chownership of the dir's""
"Makefile", line 279: Unassociated shell command "@${ECHO_MSG} "${VARBASE}/db/${PORTNAME} ${VARBASE}/log/${PORTNAME} ${VARBAE}/${PORTNAME} ${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME}""
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> net/freeswitch-core failed
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/portmgr/tindex/ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /local0/portmgr/tindex/ports.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
gahr glarkin glewis jadawin jpaetzel 

Most recent CVS update was:
U devel/p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor/Makefile
U devel/p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor/distinfo
U java/eclipse-shelled/Makefile
U net/freeswitch-core/Makefile
U net/freeswitch-core/distinfo
U net/freeswitch-core/pkg-plist
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-conf-autoload_configs-switch.conf.xml
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-conf-autoload_configs-voicemail.conf.xml
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-src-include-private-switch_core_pvt.h
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-src-include-switch_types.h
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-src-mod-applications-mod_voicemail-mod_voicemail.c
U net/freeswitch-core/files/patch-src-switch_core.c
U net/freeswitch-core/files/
U textproc/xqilla/Makefile
U textproc/xqilla/distinfo
U www/Makefile
U www/cblog/Makefile
U www/cblog/distinfo
U www/cblog/pkg-descr

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