meta port issue

Glen Barber glen.j.barber at
Thu Jul 8 21:45:49 UTC 2010

Hi Richard,

On 7/8/10 4:26 PM, Richard E,. Neese wrote:
> Following is not happening
> I have a meta port of /usr/ports/net/freeswitch wich builds and installs
> other freeswitch ports of -core -sounds -music
> if you type make in the meta port it is not calling up the options
> screens for the other ports.
> but if you go into the other ports of freeswitch-core -sounds -music and
> type make the options screens come up fine.
> it seems that meta porta are broken in the mk files

You can use 'make config-recursive' to display all the configuration 
option screens.

Glen Barber

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