The state of Ada (Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion)

Mikhail T. mi+thun at
Fri Jan 8 18:01:26 UTC 2010

01/-10/37 14:59, linimon at wrote:
> portname:           devel/adabindx
> description:        An Ada-binding to the X Window System and *tif
> maintainer:ports at
> status:             BROKEN
> deprecated because: has been broken for 3 months
> expiration date:    2010-01-08
> build errors:       none.
> overview:
> [...]

It looks like a noticeable share of the ports listed have one thing in 
common -- they depend on Ada.

Various gnat-ports would not even build on anything but i386...

Is Ada-support really in such a bad shape by the GNU-project, or is it 
just a FreeBSD problem?


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