portmaster: printing messages that do not come from pkg-message files

Charlie Kester corky1951 at comcast.net
Sat Jan 2 21:11:41 UTC 2010

On Sat 02 Jan 2010 at 09:14:11 PST Julien Laffaye wrote:
>2010/1/2 Nikola Le??i?? <nikola.lecic at anthesphoria.net>:
>> Hello,
>> portmaster's feature to print collected pkg-message files after
>> successful installation is very useful. However, there are many ports
>> that echo messages from inside Makefile, usually in post-install phase
>> (but not exclusively there).
>> A simple question: would it be possible (or better, would it be
>> desirable) to collect that text as well and to include it in the final
>> output in the same way it is done with pkg-messages?
>It's better to correct these ports to make them use pkg-message, so it
>will be printed by portmaster *and* pkg_add (dont forget packages !)

Sometimes whether a message is echoed depends on a knob.  The porter's
handbook includes examples of this.  Is there a way to get the same
effect with pkg-messages?

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