xterm 253 DECRQSS Again?

Dominic Fandrey kamikaze at bsdforen.de
Sun Feb 7 19:32:16 UTC 2010

Anon wrote:
> Hi
> long ago I read about the bug in Xterm CVE-2008-2383 and updated xterm. Now
> I have the version of xterm 253 and on occasion being in xterm to run a cat
> on binary file (executable, images, etc) appear repeatedly on Shell "2c1:
> command not found". You will see in the picture you take
> http://lh3.ggpht.com/_1zYIthtq7IY/S24v__tlDAI/AAAAAAAAAJk/aWhG5E3fJ4o/s800/xterm_bug.png
> This can be a bug again?
> Regards

Some of that binary data is probably interpreted as escape sequences.
A terminal simply isn't meant to display binary data.


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