better way to handle required rebuild on library bump

Jerry gesbbb at
Sun Feb 7 15:44:20 UTC 2010

On Sun, 7 Feb 2010 15:30:29 +0200
Eitan Adler <eitanadlerlist at> articulated:

> How will portmanager -u -p avoid the need to bump the PORTREVISION
> (like the recent jpeg change)?

From your original post:

Then when a library's MAJORVERSION is changed it will prompt a rebuild on any
port that relies on it will also get rebuilt.

I assumed that you were looking for a program that would force an
update of any ports that were dependent upon a changed(updated) port.
The command I posted would do that. Perhaps I am just not fully
comprehending what you are attempting to accomplish.

I have as of yet to not found any other port management program that
accomplished that as fully as 'portmanager' does.

gesbbb at


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the least they can do is to shut up.

	Tom Lehrer

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