[CFT] Firefox 3.6 for FreeBSD
Heino Tiedemann
rotkaps_spam_trap at gmx.de
Thu Feb 4 21:30:06 UTC 2010
Juergen Lock <nox at jelal.kn-bremen.de> wrote:
> In article <20100204001933.GA11586 at bsdcrew.de> you write:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>We know that a lot people are waiting for Firefox 3.6,
>>but nox@ found a strange bug which is now solved.
>>The problem was that starting Firefox 3.6 with certain
>>addons installed was not possible. Now it looks like all
>>problems are solved and we can start a CFT.
> ..and in case anyone is wondering what the issue was, the problem was a
> filename handling change that basically caused all .xpt files (XPCOM type
> libraries) failing to load when there where symlinks in paths to one of
> them - like the ones from addons when /home is a symlink like it usually
> is on FreeBSD - and thus ff couldn't start. Here is the mozilla ticket:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530793
Aha, und das alles klappte dei dem www/firefox3-devel bisher nicht?
Krass. Ma gut, das ich nie Addonns verwende ;-)
Und ja, /home ist bei mir ein Symlink.
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