what next for the pkg_install rewrite

Baptiste Daroussin bapt at freebsd.org
Mon Aug 30 08:22:07 UTC 2010

2010/8/30 Anonymous <swell.k at gmail.com>:
> Bapt <bapt at freebsd.org> writes:
> We can as well use Lua tables to store package database. Their syntax is
> close to JSON.
> Besides, I think it's better to divorce ports from base so that pkg_*
> tools can evolve faster and are not limited to dependencies from base.
> The only thing we'd need to leave in base is smth like pkg_bootstrap.
> IMO, this chicken and egg problem is getting quite annoying.
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yes lua could be a good idea for that purpose and it also would allow
users to easily extend pkg_install.

I have begun that: http://wiki.freebsd.org/Pkg_install2_specs if you
could add ideas and all stuff you have in mind about what has to be
and what could be in pkg_install, I'll cleanup the page after some
time, when all the needed discussion would be done and will transform
this page into real specifications.

Concerning having pkg_install into base or not, I really have no opinion?


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