portmaster: problem with custom dependencies

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 19 21:43:40 UTC 2010

On 08/19/2010 07:27, Alberto Villa wrote:
> hello doug and ports@!
> i've found a problem with portmaster-3.0 (i can't say if it started
> earlier, but i don't think so). the script is not able to use custom
> dependencies (e.g. ffmpeg-devel in place of ffmpeg)

This appears to be a bug, I'll look into it more deeply.

> by the way, just for curiosity: why do PM_INDEX* and --check-port-dbdir
> conflict with each other?

Because the --check-port-dbdir feature requires the actual ports tree. 
I'll look at making this a warning though to facilitate users who have 
INDEX options in their rc file.



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