
Ivan Klymenko fidaj at
Thu Aug 19 09:48:53 UTC 2010

On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 21:21:26 +0200 (CEST)
Juergen Lock <nox at> wrote:

>  Anyway, I just had to go back to the previous google earth version
> for the port because the latest one only crashed for me right at
> startup, I'd be interested if it works for anyone of you, here
> is a shar:
> (please include details about at least your FreeBSD version,
> installed ports, graphics hw, and graphics drivers if you test it.)

Works for me.
Heavily loads the system...

Maybe somehow reduce the number of threads?

ps ax | grep googleearth-bin
 5518  ??  RN     0:31,77 ./googleearth-bin
 5520  ??  SN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5526  ??  SN     0:01,70 ./googleearth-bin
 5530  ??  SN     0:00,07 ./googleearth-bin
 5535  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5536  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5538  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5539  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5540  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5541  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5542  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5543  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5544  ??  SN     0:00,07 ./googleearth-bin
 5545  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5546  ??  IN     0:00,02 ./googleearth-bin
 5547  ??  IN     0:00,03 ./googleearth-bin
 5548  ??  IN     0:00,03 ./googleearth-bin
 5549  ??  IN     0:00,02 ./googleearth-bin
 5550  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5569  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5570  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5589  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5603  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5604  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5605  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5606  ??  IN     0:00,01 ./googleearth-bin
 5607  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin
 5608  ??  IN     0:00,00 ./googleearth-bin

uname -a
FreeBSD nonamehost 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0: Fri Aug 13
17:05:14 EEST 2010     ivan at nonamehost:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/mk9  amd64

linux-dri-7.4_1     Mesa-based DRI libraries, drivers and binaries (Linux Ubunt
linux-f10-alsa-lib-1.0.21_1 The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries (Linux Fedo
linux-f10-atk-1.24.0 Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-cairo-1.8.0_1 Vector graphics library Cairo (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-expat-2.0.1 Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library (Linux 
linux-f10-fontconfig-2.6.0 An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows (Linux Fe
linux-f10-gtk2-2.14.7_2 GTK+ library, version 2.X (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-jpeg-6b   RPM of the JPEG lib (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libsigc++20-2.2.2 Callback Framework for C++ (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libssh2-0.18 The library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux Fedora 10
linux-f10-nspr-4.7.6 Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-nss- Network Security Services (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-openldap-2.4.12_1 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol libraries (Linux Fedo
linux-f10-openssl-0.9.8g The OpenSSL toolkit (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-pango-1.22.3_1 The pango library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-png-1.2.37_1 RPM of the PNG lib (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-tiff-3.8.2 The TIFF library, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-xorg-libs-7.4_1 Xorg libraries (Linux Fedora 10)

nvidia-driver-256.44 NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL ren

vgapci0 at pci0:1:0:0:	class=0x030000 card=0x02271028 chip=0x042710de rev=0xa1 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
    device     = 'Geforce 8400M GS (unknown)'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA

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