i keep *trying* to move from portupgrade to portmaster

jhell jhell at dataix.net
Fri Aug 6 11:34:47 UTC 2010

On 08/06/2010 04:58, Sandra Kachelmann wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Doug Barton <dougb at freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On 08/06/2010 00:24, Sandra Kachelmann wrote:
>>> I've been using ports-mgmt/portupgrade pretty much ever since it
>>> started to exist. Unfortunately portupgrade seems to be pretty much
>>> "abandonware" so I've been told to move on to portmaster. Despite the
>>> very long manpage I can't seem to be able to achieve the following
>>> thing with portmaster:
>>> $ portupgrade --batch -a
>> Someone who has used portupgrade and is familiar with exactly what
>> --batch does can probably help you with that bit, but I'm sure by now
>> you've figured out that portmaster has a -a feature.
>> Meanwhile, go get a $BEVERAGE, get comfortable, and actually _read_ the
>> portmaster man page, don't just skim through it. I put a lot of effort
>> into explain what portmaster does, how it does it, and also WHY it does
>> things the way it does. Most (if not all) of your questions are answered
>> there.
> Please don't take this wrong but IMO it's way too overdocumented for
> normal users that don't actually read bsd.ports.mk before breakfast
> :-)
> Sandra

I have done exactly what you want with (portmaster -a), albeit you
should sit there and wait for any option screens to pop up until you
leave but it can be done. But also see below.


One fallback that I cannot seem to get over is the creation of a backup
package failed do you want to ignore [i] message prompt & the package
messages that are displayed with $PAGER at the end of the upgrades.  I
do not recall the packages that his had happened on, it does not happen
often but when it did happen it was just before a nice long compile of
OpenOffice :( while I was gone.

The pkg-message problem has been stumping me since it inhibits my use of
pwait(1) on another terminal. For instance I started a portmaster -a on
one terminal and issued pwait(1) on another so I could build a new
kernel and world right after a ports(7) upgrade. Since the pkg-message
is displayed with PAGER obviously the initial portmaster process never
terminates and post processes are revolving so they would/could exit to

Do not prompt for a backup package creation failure and force creation
of whatever you have on the system already?

Configuration option to email the output of upgraded packages and their
pkg-message or a similar option to just log to a file?

Also I still see a need for installing a
/usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc.sample file for whatever version is
installed and seperating that from the man page. This would make it much
easier on the end user to configure portmaster for options they see fit.

Forwarded apologies if any of this is confusing.



On another note I wish wc(1) would output some headers above these. ;)

$ man portmaster |wc -Lclmw
  610    3363   30764     187


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