Whither Thunderbird 3.1(.1)?

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 5 06:12:47 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA256

On 08/04/10 08:12, Beat Gaetzi wrote:
> On 03.08.2010 20:52, Doug Barton wrote:
>> On 08/03/10 09:59, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>>> On 8/3/10 3:05 AM, Beat Gaetzi wrote:
>>>> On 03.08.2010 02:59, Doug Barton wrote:
>>>>> Just curious about the status of native Thunderbird 3.1.x. IMO the
>>>>> linux
>>>>> version is a significant improvement over 3.0.x, so I'd like to run the
>>>>> native version and get out of "clunky font land" sometime soon. :)  Do
>>>>> y'all have a roadmap? If I missed it, my apologies ...
>>>> Thunderbird 3.1 is ready since it has been released but the update
>>>> depends on this repo-cpoy:
>>>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/148136
>>> Ugh.  With all my travel and work lately, the repocopies moved to cvs so
>>> I missed them in my weekly sweep.  Sorry.  I just took care of this.
>>> Joe
>>>> In the meantime you could use the port from our development repository:
>>>> # svn co
>>>> https://trillian.chruetertee.ch/svn/freebsd-gecko/trunk/mail/thunderbird
>> Careful, if you guys start rewarding my whinging about stuff you'll just
>> get more of it. :)
>> Meanwhile, hopefully ale can coordinate with y'all on the enigmail
>> plugin since they made a break on compatibility and enigmail 1.0.x only
>> works with tbird <= 3.0.x, and enigmail 1.1.x only works with tbird >=
>> 3.1.x. Woo hoo!
> Please take a look at this patch which updates enigmail-thunderbird to
> 1.1.2 and works with Thunderbird 3.1:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~beat/patches/enigmail-1.1.2.patch
> ale: Could you please consider committing this patch?

This patch worked for me, thanks Beat for all your hard work on this.


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