Problem with devel/libtool22? [was Re: OpenCASCADE marked broken]

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Sat Apr 10 14:20:54 UTC 2010

Le Mar  6 avr 10 à  8:14:57 +0200, Andrea Venturoli <ml at>
 écrivait :

> Are you sure OpenCASCADE requires f77?
> I looked into the source and didn't find any file like "*.f" or "*.for", 
> although of course they might have other extension or be generated 
> during the build process.
> Also I can confirm it compiles with the base system gcc, although I 
> don't remember if I had gcc44 installed at the time, so it might also be 
> it picked f77 from gcc44 anyway.

You're right: it builds succesfully in a tinderbox without USE_FORTRAN,
which is just searched by configure.
Should be some remaining of an older version...

> The whole point of the above is that, due to gcc44's libstdc++ recently 
> becoming incompatible with older versions, if you mix different g++ 
> versions in the same project, you'll get "Undefined symbol" errors when 
> starting your executable.
> In my case, I'm linking (amongst others) against Boost and OpenCASCADE, 
> so I need them to use the same compiler (and use that myself).
> Again, this is not a problem with OpenCASCADE only, but potentially 
> affects any C++ library which is build with gcc44.

True: that's why I think that libtool should'nt force $CC and $LD.

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.

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