October 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 10:58:27 UTC 2009
Ending: Fri Oct 30 13:04:04 UTC 2009
Messages: 308
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
1wkmmr at gmail.com
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
1wkmmr at gmail.com
- PackageKit Ports
Anders F Björklund
- PackageKit Ports
Anders F Björklund
- PackageKit Ports
Anders F Björklund
- freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 333, Issue 6
Anderson Brandão
Márcio Luciano Donada
- xlockmore-5.29: "BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" using
virtual wm
Marius Nünnerich
- net-im/pidgin-2.6.2
Andrius Morkūnas
- google sketchup for freebsd seems to be an amd64 challenge
-wine/i386 issues
Andrius Morkūnas
- FreeBSD Port: ntop-3.3.10
Jaap Aap
- Delete a port I maintain
Thomas Abthorpe
- Delete a port I maintain
Eitan Adler
- Checking for parity of ports conflicts
Eitan Adler
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Matthias Andree
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Matthias Andree
- net-im/pidgin-2.6.2
Matthias Apitz
- net-im/pidgin-2.6.2
Matthias Apitz
- problem with building /usr/ports/java/jdk16 in 'nohup' mode
Matthias Apitz
- security/gorilla
Bisyarin Artyom
- security/pam_pwdfile not working anymore?
Marin Atanasov
- FreeBSD Port: nvidia-driver-185.18.36
Dave Babb
- linux-f10-flashplugin 'assertion failed' messages
Jos Backus
- random fetch location
Doug Barton
- Portmaster funding proposal
Doug Barton
- binary upgrade of packages
Doug Barton
- portmaster: grep: Argument list too long
Doug Barton
- portmaster: grep: Argument list too long
Doug Barton
Doug Barton
Doug Barton
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Kostik Belousov
- security/gorilla
Artyom Bisyarin
- security/gorilla
Artyom Bisyarin
- x11-wm/awesome ports dependencies
Warren Block
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Renato Botelho
- netbsd pkgsrc
Alexander Bubnov
- netbsd pkgsrc
Alexander Bubnov
- FreeBSD Port: jdk-
Ted Burghart
Sylvio Cesar
- To the Committers, about a PR > 60 days
Sylvio Cesar
- PackageKit Ports
Joe Marcus Clarke
- PackageKit Ports
Joe Marcus Clarke
- glib/webkit update?
Joe Marcus Clarke
Joe Marcus Clarke
- possible security problem? FreeBSD Port: www/adzap
B. Cook
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Peter Czanik
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Peter Czanik
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Peter Czanik
- FreeBSD Port: postfix-policyd-spf-perl-2.007
Neil Darlow
- binary upgrade of packages
George Davidovich
- Tornadoweb
Mike Depot
- sqlite3 upgrade
Alex Dupre
- portupgrade - working directory curioisty
Sergey V. Dyatko
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation.
Lars Engels
- possible security problem? FreeBSD Port: www/adzap
Guido Falsi
- bsd.python.mk broken
Dominic Fandrey
- php5-gd PNG support broken
Dominic Fandrey
- in search for sasquatch/committer
Dominic Fandrey
- sysutils/hal does not build on RELENG_8/amd64
Dominic Fandrey
- sysutils/hal does not build on RELENG_8/amd64
Dominic Fandrey
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- TomTom GPS
Miguel Filgueiras
- TomTom GPS
Miguel Filgueiras
- net-im/pidgin-2.6.2
Bernhard Froehlich
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
Denise H. G.
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
Denise H. G.
- sysutils/hal does not build on RELENG_8/amd64
Denise H. G.
- VirtualBox 3.0.51 r22902_2 not installing on 7.2-RELEASE amd64
Beat Gaetzi
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
Olivier Gautherot
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
Olivier Gautherot
- FreeBSD Port: apache-2.2.14
Jack Gavin
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Siju George
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Siju George
- Miro 2.5.2 has a forbidden dependence
Lowell Gilbert
- Firefox FORBIDDEN for a while now....
Lowell Gilbert
- Firefox FORBIDDEN for a while now....
Lowell Gilbert
- problem with building /usr/ports/java/jdk16 in 'nohup' mode
Lowell Gilbert
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Adrian Glaubitz
- firefox-35 does not terminate.
Howard Goldstein
- FreeBSD Port: apache-2.2.14
Philip M. Gollucci
- package is installed
Sergio Gurgel
- [patch] typo in portaudit - fails with latest /bin/sh
Stefan Hegnauer
- VirtualBox
Johan Hendriks
- install-sh - permission denied
Scot Hetzel
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Stephen Hocking
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Stephen Hocking
- FreeBSD Port: ocaml-3.11
Boris Hollas
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation.
Robert Huff
- graphics/qgis 1.3.0 does not compile on CURRENT
Rainer Hurling
- graphics/qgis 1.3.0 does not compile on CURRENT
Rainer Hurling
- Miro 2.5.2 has a forbidden dependence
Rainer Hurling
- Assistance wanted to port Sage
Rainer Hurling
- FreeBSD Port: hplip-3.9.8
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- security/gorilla
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Russell Jackson
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation.
Kurt Jaeger
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation.
Kurt Jaeger
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation
Kurt Jaeger
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Kurt Jaeger
- dvdauthor compile problems.
Jimmie James
- resurrecting ion3 port
Gary Jennejohn
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Gary Jennejohn
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Gary Jennejohn
- Assistance wanted to port Sage
Peter Jeremy
- Unable to get lphoto to run
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
- x11-wm/awesome ports dependencies
Ricardo Jesus
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
Sam Fourman Jr.
- FreeBSD Port: nvidia-driver-185.18.36
Sam Fourman Jr.
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Sam Fourman Jr.
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
Steve Kargl
- Correct __FreeBSD_version to use?
Steve Kargl
- Correct __FreeBSD_version to use?
Steve Kargl
- Whitelist certain MASTER_SITES in portlint
Steven Kreuzer
- Need advice from maintainers
Jack L.
- Switching to MPlayer's libdvdnav (ports/131969)
- Switching to MPlayer's libdvdnav (ports/131969)
- sysutils/hal does not build on RELENG_8/amd64
Rene Ladan
- firefox-35 does not terminate.
Patrick Lamaiziere
- install-sh - permission denied
Scott Lambert
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Erwin Lansing
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 6.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 6.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 6.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- [ports-i386@FreeBSD.org: tcldom-3.1_1 failed on i386 9]
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 6.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 6.x
Erwin Lansing
- FreeBSD Port: py26-libxml2-2.7.6
Ender Li
- FreeBSD Port: zh-big5con-0.92i
Ender Li
- FreeBSD Port: py26-orbit-2.24.0
Ender Li
- Tornadoweb
Yi-Jheng Lin
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Mark Linimon
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Mark Linimon
- resurrecting ion3 port
Mark Linimon
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Mark Linimon
- attention CHOI Junho
Mark Linimon
- netbsd pkgsrc
Mark Linimon
- strange issue with PHP $basename,
first character in filename missing
Per olof Ljungmark
- Problem with FreeBSD port (re-post)
Mario Lobo
- databases/Postgresql84 security update?
Reed Loefgren
- new version of syck library
Alexander Logvinov
- dkimproxy rc script
- pecl ports bumping when php5 updated
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Dmitry Marakasov
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Dmitry Marakasov
- resurrecting ion3 port
Dmitry Marakasov
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Dmitry Marakasov
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Dmitry Marakasov
- glib/webkit update?
Dmitry Marakasov
- glib/webkit update?
Dmitry Marakasov
Dmitry Marakasov
Dmitry Marakasov
- in search for sasquatch/committer
Dmitry Marakasov
- portsnap
John Marshall
- TomTom GPS
Koen Martens
- VirtualBox 3.0.51 r22902_2 not installing on 7.2-RELEASE amd64
- TomTom GPS
Sean McAfee
- glib/webkit update?
Jeremy Messenger
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds ofoperation.]
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- ports/139342 octave-forge ports
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Miro 2.5.2 has a forbidden dependence
Michele Monti
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Kris Moore
- Need advice from maintainers
Bill Moran
- Need advice from maintainers
Bill Moran
- mplayer-plugin and Firefox 3.5
Jacob Myers
- mplayer-plugin and Firefox 3.5
Jacob Myers
- mplayer-plugin and Firefox 3.5
Jacob Myers
Jacob Myers
- [PATCH] Enable login class support via nss_ldap
Jacob Myers
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
- [kde-freebsd] [CFT] KDE 4.3.2 / Qt 4.5.3 Ready for Testing
David Naylor
- FreeBSD Port: asterisk-gui-2.0.4_2
Phillip Neumann
- ports net-mgmt/wide-dhcp and net/dhcp6
Spil Oss
- security/gnupg installing pth-2.0.7 causing problems
Dima Panov
- security/gnupg installing pth-2.0.7 causing problems
Dima Panov
- Enforcing library version in a port Makefile?
Peter Pentchev
- portsnap
Desmond da Peoples
- start with packages with unmaintained status
Roberto Pereyra
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Chad Perrin
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Chad Perrin
- MySQL cluster FreeBSD port
Mark Powell
- Now OK (Re: cvs commit: ports/games/kuklomenos Makefile)
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- cvs commit: ports/games/vavoom-extras Makefile
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- Now OK (Re: cvs commit: ports/devel/rudiments Makefile distinfo
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- Now OK (Re: cvs commit: ports/textproc/minised Makefile)
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- Now OK (Re: cvs commit: ports/games/vavoom-extras Makefile)
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- Now OK (Re: cvs commit: ports/science/pnetcdf Makefile)
QAT at FreeBSD.org
- random fetch location
- dkimproxy rc script
- portupgrade - working directory curioisty
- portmaster: grep: Argument list too long
Kenyon Ralph
- portmaster: grep: Argument list too long
Kenyon Ralph
- portmaster: grep: Argument list too long
Kenyon Ralph
- Firefox FORBIDDEN for a while now....
Chris Rees
- random fetch location
Guoqin Ren
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD Port: acroread9-9.2
Boris Samorodov
- acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of operation.
Boris Samorodov
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds of
Boris Samorodov
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Carlos A. M. dos Santos
- ion windows manager on FreeBSD
Carlos A. M. dos Santos
- FreeBSD Port: pcb-20081128_1
Hiroki Sato
- policy-weight -spawn $csock error after power out reboot
Paul Schmehl
- install-sh - permission denied
Paul Schmehl
- install-sh - permission denied
Paul Schmehl
- install-sh - permission denied
Paul Schmehl
- install-sh - permission denied
Paul Schmehl
- install-sh - permission denied
Paul Schmehl
- Need advice from maintainers
Paul Schmehl
- Need advice from maintainers
Paul Schmehl
- xview-3.2.1_10: Assertion failed error
Alex Schuster
- mplayer-plugin and Firefox 3.5
Matthew Seaman
- install-sh - permission denied
Matthew Seaman
- package is installed
Matthew Seaman
- FreeBSD Port: ocaml-3.11
Stanislav Sedov
- [patch] USB video support in KDE4 + sane + more under FreeBSD
Hans Petter Selasky
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Wesley Shields
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Wesley Shields
- proftpd problems (ldap, quota, tds) and a patch
Wesley Shields
- [patch] Make git dependencies optional.
Wesley Shields
- Any news about ddd ?
Albert Shih
- portsnap
Edward Shriver
- portsnap
Edward Shriver
- Tinderbox + perl5.10?
Alexey Shuvaev
- Problem building Openoffice 3.1.1 at -current
Alexey Shuvaev
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Alexey Shuvaev
- FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Alexey Shuvaev
- binary upgrade of packages
Christer Solskogen
- security/gnupg installing pth-2.0.7 causing problems
David Southwell
- security/gnupg installing pth-2.0.7 causing problems
David Southwell
- google sketchup for freebsd seems to be an amd64 challenge
-wine/i386 issues
David Southwell
- google sketchup for freebsd seems to be an amd64 challenge
-wine/i386 issues
David Southwell
- attention CHOI Junho
David Southwell
- PoDoFo 0.7.0
David Southwell
- Gallery3 beta Upgrade queries
David Southwell
- policy-weight -spawn $csock error after power out reboot
David Southwell
- policy-weight -spawn $csock error after power out reboot
David Southwell
- portupgrade - working directory curioisty
David Southwell
- TomTom GPS
Julian H. Stacey
- TomTom GPS
Julian H. Stacey
- Enforcing library version in a port Makefile?
Alex Stangl
- Enforcing library version in a port Makefile?
Alex Stangl
- [Fwd: portupgrade failure xcb-util failure]
John B. Stubblebine
- gretl Install Failure, and several dependencies
John B. Stubblebine
- FreeBSD Port: acroread9-9.2
John B. Stubblebine
- RESTRICTED packages on FTP not a problem?
Jan Henrik Sylvester
- Problems with vpopmail-devel
Sahil Tandon
- FreeBSD Port: hplip-3.9.8
Douglas Thrift
- sigwait - differences between Linux & FreeBSD
Jilles Tjoelker
- [Fwd: Re: acroread9 crashes after maybe 10 seconds ofoperation.]
Konstantin Tokarev
- Fwd: FreeBSD Port: qtcreator-1.2.1: Not installable
Konstantin Tokarev
- vsftpd 2.2.0 - FTP clients (PASV) not working after upgrade from
Richard Toohey
- [patch] Make git dependencies optional.
Stef Walter
- [patch] Make git dependencies optional.
Stef Walter
- resurrecting ion3 port
Adam Weinberger
- security/prelude-manager- on FreeBSD 7.2
Wessel, Pascal (Geneva)
- [CFT] KDE 4.3.2 / Qt 4.5.3 Ready for Testing
Martin Wilke
- [kde-freebsd] [CFT] KDE 4.3.2 / Qt 4.5.3 Ready for Testing
Martin Wilke
- Problem with FreeBSD port (re-post)
Martin Wilke
- FreeBSD Port: drivel-2.0.2_10
Neil Williams
- Problems with vpopmail-devel
Julian Wissmann
- xlockmore-5.29: "BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" using
virtual wm
David Wolfskill
- TomTom GPS
David Wolfskill
- x11-wm/awesome ports dependencies
Andrey Zhidenkov
- x11-wm/awesome ports dependencies
Andrey Zhidenkov
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- TomTom GPS
- Twitter-endlich Geldverdienen-kostenlos und sofort startklar
- Twitter-endlich Geldverdienen-kostenlos und sofort startklar
- security/gnupg installing pth-2.0.7 causing problems
david at vizion2000.net
- graphics/librsvg2 with mozilla build fails
david at vizion2000.net
- portsnap
b. f.
- gretl Install Failure, and several dependencies
b. f.
- Enforcing library version in a port Makefile?
b. f.
- Correct __FreeBSD_version to use?
b. f.
- Enforcing library version in a port Makefile?
b. f.
- PLT scheme 'mred' crashes with OpenGL examples
freebsd-ports at coreland.ath.cx
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- gtk20 segmentation fault
- Miro 2.5.2 has a forbidden dependence
utisoft at googlemail.com
- Firefox FORBIDDEN for a while now....
utisoft at googlemail.com
Last message date:
Fri Oct 30 13:04:04 UTC 2009
Archived on: Fri Oct 30 13:04:12 UTC 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).