[Call For Testing] VirtualBox for FreeBSD!

Gustau Pérez gperez at entel.upc.edu
Thu May 14 23:57:22 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Martin Wilke wrote:
> Howdy Guys,
> After the announcement from Alexander Eichner about Virtualbox on
> FreeBSD, we started the work on a port for FreeBSD. Now we think
> that we solved the most problems and are ready for the first Call
> for Testing.
> Some notes before you can test the port: Make sure you are using
> RELENG_7 or higher. You have to use a fresh portstree with uptodate
> ports!! Please read carefully the pkg-messages.
> Some known issues / Troubleshooting: Sometimes the kernel on HEAD
> coredumps when loading or unloading the kernel module. A small
> workaround to prevent the crash is to not start X, mount proc, then
> load the kernel module and start X from the console. That helped me
> and some testers, maybe you too. :P AMD64 should be work in
> general, it builds and start. But not right tested at the moment.
> We want here also some feedback.
> Some Thanks: First of all we'd like to say many thanks to _ALL_
> vbox developers. Next people are Bernhard Froehlich (aka decke),
> Beat Gaetzi (beat@), Dennis Herrmann (dhn@), Pietro Cerutti
> (gahr@), myself (*gg*), and _ALL_ who helped and provided feedback.
> Happy Testing :-)
> Download:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~miwi/vbox/vboxport.tgz
> Wiki Page: http://wiki.freebsd.org/VirtualBox

   I'm testing with i386/HEAD. I have two issues :

       1.- The first time I start a machine. The window stays gray. If
I pause and resume the window turns to
black. Virtualbox says it is running, but it is not.

       2.- The second and subsequent times I start a virtual machine,
virtualbox says that there isn't the kernel driver. The
error is :

    Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
    Component: Machine
    Interface: IMachine {4d1df26d-d9c1-4c7e-b689-15e85ecf8ffc}

  And :

            Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

            Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.

  What can be done ?



> - Martin
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