[RFC] NO_INSTALL in meta-ports considered harmful

Marcin Wisnicki mwisnicki+freebsd at gmail.com
Sun May 10 18:51:25 UTC 2009

On Sun, 10 May 2009 13:08:56 -0400, Glen Barber wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is the 'right answer', but NO_INSTALL allows the
> proper installation of numerous ports from one location (the meta-port).
>  An example of this is the misc/instant-server port (though
> unmaintained, IIRC).
> If you remove the NO_INSTALL line from the Makefile, 'make' thinks
> misc/instant-server should be installed, rather than the collection of
> ports it is intended to install.

They will be installed since they are run dependencies.

> Again, this is my interpretation of it.  If I'm wrong, I gladly accept
> corrections to my thinking. :)

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