[munin-users] Replacement for "hdparm -C"?

Lupe Christoph lupe at lupe-christoph.de
Wed May 6 11:13:50 UTC 2009

On Wednesday, 2009-05-06 at 12:47:31 +0300, Sergey A. Kobzar wrote:
> Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 12:20:40 PM, Lupe wrote:

> AFAIK you can get HDD temp using sysutils/smartmontools on FreeBSD
> only.

The plugin use the smartctl command.

> I never tried to do this for disks which are spin down. But why do you
> need check temperature of such disks? One time someone will ask you to
> minitor temperature for suspended server... IMHO it's not fully
> correct :)

The plugin is run every five minutes for all disks it is told to watch. A
disk that is always spun down should not be on that list ;-)

Lupe Christoph
| There is no substitute for bad design except worse design.                   |
| /me                                                                          |

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