FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date

miwi at miwi at
Sun Mar 8 09:19:53 PDT 2009

Dear port maintainer,

The portscout new distfile checker has detected that one or more of your
ports appears to be out of date. Please take the opportunity to check
each of the ports listed below, and if possible and appropriate,
submit/commit an update. If any ports have already been updated, you can
safely ignore the entry.

You will not be e-mailed again for any of the port/version combinations

Full details can be found at the following URL:

Port                                            | Current version | New version
audio/aqualung                                  | 0.9beta9        | 0.9beta10
audio/baudline                                  | 1.07            | 1.08
audio/icecast                                   | 1.3.12          | 2.3.2
audio/liboggz                                   | 0.9.5           | 0.9.8
audio/mixxx                                     | 1.4.2           |
audio/q-audio                                   | 1.2             | 2.0
audio/rioutil                                   | 1.5.0           | 1.5.0br3
audio/solfege                                   | 3.12.1          | 3.12.2
audio/spiralsynth                               | 0.1.7           | 2.0.0
audio/taglib                                    | 1.5             | 1.5b1
audio/tclmidi                                   | 3.1             | 3.1b
audio/xmms-jack                                 | 0.17            | 0.19
biology/rasmol                                  |       | 2.7.4_25Nov07
cad/linux-gid                                   | 7.4.9b          | 7.4b
cad/xcircuit                                    | 3.4.30          | 3.6.99
comms/ruby-serialport                           | 0.6             | 0.7.0
databases/hk_classes                            | 0.8.1           | 0.8.3
databases/libzdb                                | 2.3             | 2.4
databases/ruby-dbd_proxy                        | 0.1.1           | 0.4.1
deskutils/everygui                              | 0.99.b          | 0.99a
deskutils/krss                                  | 2.6             | 3.0
deskutils/planner.el                            | 3.41            | 3.42
deskutils/timer-applet                          | 2.0.1           | 2.1.2
devel/SpecTcl                                   | 1.1             | 1.2a3
devel/ace                                       | 5.5.2           | 5.6.8
devel/bglibs                                    | 1.104           | 1.106
devel/cvs2p4                                    | 2.5.5           | 3.0b6
devel/cvslines                                  | 1.6.9           | 1.6.9-1
devel/gcvs                                      | 1.0             | 1.0b5
devel/gindent                                   | 2.2.9           | 2.2.10
devel/icu2                                      | 2.8             | 2.8-d02
devel/libXGP                                    | 0.9.10          | 0.9.12
devel/libYGP                                    | 0.9.10          | 0.9.12
devel/libavl                                    | 1.4.0           | 2.0.3.html
devel/librelp                                   | 0.1.1           | 0.1.3
devel/linuxthreads                              | 2.2.3           | 2.3.6
devel/m6811-binutils                            | 2.15            | 2.19.1
devel/make++                                    | 1.19            | 1.40.1a
devel/nant                                      | 0.85            | 0.86-beta1
devel/naturaldocs                               | 1.4             | 1.35-Patch-7
devel/ocaml-findlib                             | 1.2.1           | 1.2.4
devel/p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build                    | 0.05            | 0.12
devel/pear-PHPUnit2                             | 2.3.4           | 2.3.6
devel/php5-phing                                | 2.3.0           | 2.3.1
devel/readline                                  | 5.2             | 6.0
devel/rudiments                                 | 0.31            | 0.32
devel/soapui                                    | 2.0.2           | 2.5.1
devel/stlport                                   | 5.1.5           | 5.2.1
devel/tclxml                                    | 3.1             | 3.2
devel/tkcon                                     | 2.4             | 2.5
dns/dualserver                                  | 3.0             | 6.31
dns/posadis                                     | 0.60.5          | 0.60.6
editors/bed                                     | 0.2.23          | 0.2.25
editors/leim21                                  | 21.3            | 21.4
editors/ne                                      | 1.43            | 2.0.3
editors/the                                     | 3.2             | 3.3B3
editors/zile                                    | 2.3.0           | 2.3.4
emulators/lib765                                | 0.4.1           | 0.4.2
emulators/wahcade                               | 0.27            | 0.28
finance/aqbanking                               | 2.3.3           | 3.0.1
finance/ktoblzcheck                             | 1.20            | 1.21
finance/libofx                                  | 0.9.0           | 0.30
finance/qtstalker                               | 0.28            | 0.36
finance/quantlib                                | 0.8.1           | 0.9.0
french/pluxml-devel                             | 4               | 4-1
games/anki                                      |         |
games/conquest                                  | 7.2             | 8.4.1
games/edge                                      | 1.29            | 1.31Beta1
games/freesci                                   | 0.3.5           | 0.6.4
games/garith                                    | 2.1             | 2.3.1
games/gnomesudoku                               | 0.6.0           | 0.7.0
games/kwappen                                   | 1.1.5           | 1.2.0
games/p5-Games-AlphaBeta                        | 0.4.6           | 0.13
games/p5-Games-Tournament-RoundRobin            | 0.01            | 0.02
games/py-anki                                   |         |
games/robocode                                  |         | 1.6.2
games/uhexen2                                   | 1.4.3           | 1.4.4-pre5
games/xarchon                                   | 0.50            | 0.60
games/xbl                                       | 1.1.5           | 1.1.6
graphics/bmeps                                  | 1.2.5           | 2.0.20
graphics/camediaplay                            | 20010211        | 980118
graphics/dc3play                                | 19991202        | 980321
graphics/enfle                                  | 20010130        | 20071024
graphics/fig2pstricks                           | 0.7.0           | 0.7.1
graphics/gkrellkam                              | 0.3.4           | 2.0.0
graphics/glew                                   | 1.4.0           | 1.5.0
graphics/gsnapshot                              | 1.0             | 1.1
graphics/lcdtest                                | 1.04            | 1.08
graphics/libvisual                              | 0.2.0           | 0.4.0
graphics/libvisual-plugins                      | 0.2.0           | 0.4.0
graphics/ming                                   | 0.3.0           | 0.4.2
graphics/mtpaint                                | 3.21            | 3.30
graphics/ocaml-images                           | 2.2             | 2.12
graphics/pixie                                  | 2.2.4           | 2.2.5
graphics/q-graph                                | 1.5             | 1.8
graphics/reallyslick                            | 0.8.1           | 0.8.2
graphics/sswf                                   | 1.8.3           | 1.8.4
graphics/visionegg                              | 1.0             | 1.1.2
graphics/xfpovray                               | 1.3.1           | 1.3.2
irc/ezbounce                                    | 1.04c           | 1.99.14
irc/ircd-hybrid-ru                              | 7.2.2           | 7.2.3
irc/nefarious                                   | 1.0.1           | 1.2.0
irc/tircproxy                                   | 0.4.5           | 0.4.6pre
japanese/ebview                                 | 0.2.1           | 0.3.6
japanese/epic4                                  | 1.0.1           | 2.10
japanese/gqmpeg                                 | 0.20.0          | 0.91.1
japanese/grep                                   | 2.4.2           | 2.5.4
japanese/linux-JM                               | 20050615        | 20090215
japanese/ruby-refe                              | 0.7.2           | 0.8.0
japanese/sed                                    | 3.02            | 4.1.5
japanese/srd-fpw                                | 1.1.5           | 1.1.6rc1
japanese/vftool                                 | 1.2             | 1.3
java/eclipse-findbugs                           |  |
java/java-checkstyle                            | 4.4             | 5.0-beta01
java/jboss5                                     | 5.0.0.GA        | 5.0.1.GA
java/jcommon                                    | 1.0.13          | 1.0.15
java/jfreechart                                 | 1.0.10          | 1.0.11
java/poseidon                                   | 4.2.1           | 6.0.2
lang/bigloo                                     | 3.2a            | 3.2a-2
lang/csharp-mode.el                             | 0.5.0           | 0.6.0
lang/ecl                                        | 0.9l            | 0.9j-p1
lang/ocaml-nox11                                | 3.10.2          | 3.11.0
lang/p5-JavaScript                              | 0.55            | 1.11
lang/q                                          | 6.2             | 7.11
lang/ruby-perl                                  | 0.2.7           | 0.2.8
mail/anubis                                     | 3.6.2           | 4.1.1
mail/bmf                                        | 0.9.4           | 0.84
mail/dkimap4                                    | 2.39            | 3.00
mail/mailfront                                  | 1.11            | 1.12
mail/mmc                                        | 0.5             | 0.35
mail/moztraybiff                                | 1.2.3           | 1.2.4
mail/prayer                                     | 1.1.0           | 1.3.1
mail/py-spambayes                               | 1.0.4           | 1.1a4
mail/qmail-autoresponder                        | 0.96.2          | 0.97
mail/sigit                                      | 0.1.0           | 0.3.0
mail/spruce                                     | 0.6.5           | 0.7.7
mail/sympa                                      | 4.1.2           | 6.0a.2
mail/sympa-elixus                               | 20041024        | 6.0a.2
math/dislin                                     | 9.3             | 9.4
math/fftw                                       | 2.1.5           | 3.2.1
math/fftw-float                                 | 2.1.5           | 3.2.1
math/freefem++                                  | 3.0-5           | 3.0-6
math/lp_solve                                   |        |
math/mumps                                      | 4.8.3           | 4.8.4
math/mumps-mpich                                | 4.8.3           | 4.8.4
math/petsc                                      | 2.3.3-p0        | 3.0.0-p4
math/petsc-mpich                                | 2.3.3-p0        | 3.0.0-p4
misc/crosspad                                   | 19991202        | 981112
misc/floatator                                  | 0.2.1           | 0.3.0
misc/gkrellmlaunch                              | 0.4             | 0.5
misc/gplink                                     | 1.5             | 1.5-a1.pkg
misc/kcd                                        | 7.14.0          | 7.15.0
misc/kcd-devel                                  | 7.13.1          | 7.15.0
misc/pantry                                     | 23              | 31
misc/tkman                                      | 2.2             | 2.2b1
multimedia/gcfilms                              | 6.0             | 6.4
multimedia/gopchop                              | 1.0.0           | 1.1.1
multimedia/kplayer                              | 0.6.3           | 0.7
multimedia/ksubeditor                           | 0.2             | 0.13
multimedia/libdv                                | 0.104           | 1.0.0
multimedia/lives                                |        |
multimedia/miro                                 | 2.0.1           | 2.0.2
net/iaxmodem                                    | 0.3.2           | 1.2.0
net/lam                                         | 7.1.4           | 7.1.5b2
net/mDNSResponder                               | 108             | 176.3
net/miredo                                      | 1.0.6           | 1.1.5
net/pvm                                         | 3.4.5           | 3.4.6
net/py-libnet                                   | 1.0             | 1.1
net/spread                                      | 3.17.4          | 4.0.0
net-im/ruby-xmpp4r                              | 0.3.2           | 0.4
net-mgmt/argus                                  | 2.0.6           | 3.0.0
net-mgmt/argus-clients                          | 2.0.6           | 3.0.0
net-mgmt/bsnmptools                             | 20060818-01     | 20061023-01
net-mgmt/nrpe                                   | 1.9             | 2.12
net-mgmt/pixilate                               | 0.4.1           | 0.4.2
net-p2p/btpeer                                  | 0.2.1           | 0.2.2
net-p2p/gnunet                                  | 0.6.6b          | 0.8.0c
net-p2p/minder                                  | 1.2             | 2.0.2
net-p2p/mute-net                                | 0.3             | 0.5.1
net-p2p/mute-net-gui                            | 0.3             | 0.5.1
net-p2p/mute-net-text                           | 0.3             | 0.5.1
net-p2p/phex                                    |       |
net-p2p/py-kenosis                              | 0.96            | 0.941
net-p2p/qbittorrent                             | 1.0.0           | 1.3.2
net-p2p/qtorrent                                |         | 2.9.3
net-p2p/rblibtorrent-devel                      | 0.13svn.r2335   | 0.13svn.r2433
net-p2p/trackerbt                               | 0.1.1           | 0.1.2
news/klibido                                    | 0.2.5           | 0.12
print/foomatic-filters                          | 3.0.2           | 4.0.0
print/ft2demos                                  | 2.3.7           | 2.3.8
print/hyperlatex                                | 2.8b            | 2.9a
print/libpaper                                  | 1.1.21          | 1.1.23+nmu1
print/muttprint                                 | 0.72d           | 0.73
russian/muttprint                               | 0.72d           | 0.73
science/fastcap                                 | 2.0wr           | 2.0wr-011109
science/fasthenry                               | 3.0wr           | 3.0wr-011109
science/hdf                                     | 4.2r3           | 4.2r4
science/oof                                     | 1.037           | 1.038
science/pnetcdf                                 | 1.0.1           | 1.0.2
science/udunits                                 | 1.12.9          | 2.0.4
security/cvm                                    | 0.82            | 0.95
security/gnome-ssh-askpass                      | 3.6p1           | 5.2p1
security/vpnd                                   | 1.1.2           | 1.1.4
security/yersinia                               | 0.7             | 0.7.1
shells/ch                                       | 5.1.0           | 6.0.0
sysutils/am-utils                               | 6.1.5           | 6.2a2
sysutils/asmon                                  | 0.60            | 0.61
sysutils/bubblemon2                             | 2.0.9           | 2.0.10
sysutils/iextract                               | 0.9.10          | 0.9.11
sysutils/msyslog                                | 1.08g           | 1.09d
sysutils/psmisc                                 | 21.9            | 22.6
sysutils/recoverdm                              | 0.19            | 0.20
sysutils/rsyslog                                | 2.0.5           | 4.1.4
sysutils/rsyslog-gssapi                         | 2.0.5           | 4.1.4
sysutils/rsyslog-mysql                          | 2.0.5           | 4.1.4
sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql                          | 2.0.5           | 4.1.4
sysutils/runit                                  | 1.7.2           | 2.0.0
sysutils/ts                                     | 0.5.4           | 0.6.4
sysutils/virtualmin                             | 3.62            | 3.642
textproc/sgrep                                  | 0.99            | 1.94a
textproc/wv2                                    | 0.2.3           | 0.3.1
www/adzap                                       | 20080508        | 20090301
www/bricolage                                   | 1.10.4          | 1.11.1
www/chimera                                     | 1.70p0          | 2.0a19
www/harvest                                     | 1.9.14          | 1.9.15
www/linux-mplayer-plugin                        | 3.50            | 3.55
www/middleman                                   | 1.9.1           | 2.0.1
www/mnogosearch                                 | 3.3.7           | 3.3.8
www/openvrml                                    | 0.17.5          | 0.17.11
www/p5-AxKit-XSP-Sendmail                       | 1.5             | 1.41
www/plugger                                     | 5.1.3           | 5.1.4
www/py-webware                                  | 1.0             | 1.0b1
www/quixote                                     | 2.5             | 2.6
www/rt34                                        | 3.4.5           | 3.4.6
www/screem                                      | 0.16.1          | 0.17.1
www/udmsearch                                   | 3.1.5           | 3.1.6
www/yabb                                        | 2.1             | 2.2
x11/x3270                                       | 3.3.7           | 3.3.8
x11-fm/gentoo                                   | 0.11.57         | 0.15.1
x11-themes/xenophilia                           | 0.8             | 1.2.x
x11-toolkits/py-gtkextra                        | 0.22            | 1.1.0
x11-toolkits/tix                                | 8.1.4           | 8.4.0
x11-toolkits/v                                  | 1.90            | 1.90a-patch
x11-toolkits/wxd                                | 0.11            | 0.14
x11-wm/afterstep-i18n                           | 1.0             | 1.0.sco5.ELF

If any of the above results are invalid, please check the following page
for details on how to improve portscout's detection and selection of
distfiles on a per-port basis:

If you need help, have any problems, find a bug in this software, or
wish to stop (or start!) receiving portscout reminders, feel free to
contact me at miwi(at)


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