FreeBSD Port: gd-2.0.35_1,1

Garrett Albright garrett at
Tue Jul 21 18:13:28 UTC 2009

Hello. My name's Garrett Albright, and I'm running a couple of web  
servers with FreeBSD.

My co-worker noticed that after we upgraded the GD port and  
associated ports (jpeg-7, etc) the other day, support for GD in PHP  
disappeared. Not being able to find the cause, I took to the  
desperate step of reinstalling stuff. Reinstalling the graphics/php5- 
gd port seemed to fix the problem.

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "bug" or not, but it was  
certainly unexpected. I'm still kind of a n00b at this sysadmin  
stuff, so it was a bit of a moment of panic for me.

Garrett Albright
Web Developer
Precision Intermedia

Phone: 707-725-0804

Imagine No Limits…

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