DragonFlyBSD mail agent

Michel Talon talon at lpthe.jussieu.fr
Thu Jan 8 06:09:00 PST 2009


would it not be interesting to have the DragonFlyBSD mail agent in
FreeBSD? It is a very simple mail agent, like ssmtp, but with some more
features: it can either deliver mail locally for local users or send all
other mail to a smarthost, and reads the aliases file. Hence it fulfills
the needs of the person who wants a small mail agent for receiving
periodic root mail, and wants to send the occasional without too much
fuss. It is much simpler than sendmail, postfix or exim.

For simplicity i have a tarball here:
it compiles out of the box, and it is easy to figure out how to use it.


Michel TALON

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