
eculp eculp at
Thu Dec 31 15:16:56 UTC 2009

Quoting Aleksandar Simic <asimic at>:

> Hello,
> I find that when building some ports, the building of its dependencies
> tend  to fail from time to time.
> So I've created pkg_debunk:
> It shows you which ports that appear to be installed, aren't or if
> they are for the most part, which of their content is missing.
> What do you think?

I just downloaded it and am running it for the third time as I type  
it.  I have been rebuilding the ports that had missing pieces and on  
the second run found others that I might have missed in the first run.  
  First look, seems very useful.  I'll let you know more after it  
gives me a clean slate and then running for a couple of days.

Thanks for the tool,

> Please note: I'm not subscribed to the list, so when replying do include me.
> Thanks,
> Aleksandar
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