[HEADUP] FreeBSD Gecko's TODO and plan for future
Kevin Oberman
oberman at es.net
Tue Aug 25 02:54:40 UTC 2009
> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:11:35 +1000
> From: Andrew Reilly <andrew-freebsd at areilly.bpc-users.org>
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 06:18:47PM -0700, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > > Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 10:23:59 +1000
> > > From: Andrew Reilly <andrew-freebsd at areilly.bpc-users.org>
> > > Is there any convenient way to list dependencies hierarchially,
> > > rather than the flat set that pkg_info -r provides?
> >
> > How did you sequence the re-builds? I'd guess that gimp-app was re-built
> > after the gimp metaport, so the metaport retained the dependency.
> More or less:
> for i in $(pkg_info -q -o $(cat /var/db/pkg/firefox-,1/+REQUIRED_BY )); do
> echo $i:
> cd /usr/ports/$i
> sudo make build deinstall reinstall clean
> done
> > If you have portupgrade, I would suggest 'portupgrade -rfx firefox
> > firefox'. portupgrade works by building a dependency graph of the needed
> > ports and builds te tree from the root. This should get rid of all but a
> > handful of ports.
> I've stopped using portupgrade in favour of portmaster, but I
> don't see a ready equivalent to this with portmaster, hence my
> dumb script. In particular, I don't think that portmaster can
> combine the -r and -x flags (depend and exclude), and when I've
> done -f -r in combination before, then it seems to build the
> entire transitive closure of dependencies, rather than just the
> immediate ones.
Sadly, there is no good way I know of to avoid this.
> Hence my question about a tool to manipulate the dependency
> graph as a graph...
That I can help with. It does mean using portupgrade, but not to
actually upgrade anything. 'portupgrade -nrfx firefox firefox' will
provide a trivially parsable list. If the list is short, cut & paste can
do it quickly. It's possible that portmaster has a similar capability.
> Maybe the list will get shorter if I just repeat the rebuild
> process a few times?...
It will, but using the order from the command above will save time.
> > It looks like everything in the list should rebuild without the firefox
> > dependency. I had every one of them. I'm now down to just
> > mplayerplug-in because it fails to build against libxul.
> That's good to know. It'd be nice to be able to get rid of
> firefox2, if it's not going to get security patches.
Yes, as soon as I can build mplayerplug-in without it, it's history. And
none too soon.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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