portmaster -x not working?

Lawrence Stewart lstewart at freebsd.org
Sat Aug 8 18:45:11 UTC 2009

Lawrence Stewart wrote:
> Frederique Rijsdijk wrote:
>> Lawrence Stewart wrote:
>>> Hijacking the thread slightly, but is there a way to exclude multiple
>>> ports using the -x switch (or multiple -x switches)? Logically, I want
>>> to be able to do something like this:
>>> portmaster -a -x '*foo*' -x '*bar*'
>> portmaster -x '[.*php5.*|.*apache.*]' -n drupal6-6.12
>> That seems to work for me..
> Nifty, although regex goo is unfriendly even at the best of times.
> Thanks for the tip (and sorry for the hijack).

Today, I again had need of the ability to exclude multiple ports from an 
update run. It turns out your tip doesn't work with portmaster, though I 
suspect it would with portupgrade.

I finally bit the bullet and created a patch that allows a user to 
specify -x multiple times, or specify it once with a space-separated 
list of port globs.

Example usage with the patch applied:

Update everything, ignoring ports that match *postgres*:
portmaster -adx 'postgres'

Update everything, ignoring ports that match *postgres* or *imap-uw*:
portmaster -adx 'postgres imap-uw'
portmaster -adx 'postgres' -x 'imap-uw'

Doug, what do you think of the attached patch?

-------------- next part --------------
--- portmaster.orig	2009-08-08 22:13:01.000000000 +1000
+++ portmaster			2009-08-09 04:24:34.000000000 +1000
@@ -618,17 +618,21 @@
 globstrip () {
+	local glob
+	local globs
 	local in
-	in=$1
+	globs="$1"
-	case "$in" in
-	*\*) in=`echo $in | sed s/.$//`
-	esac
-	in=${in%\\}
+	for glob in $globs
+	do
+		case "$glob" in
+		*\*) glob=`echo $glob | sed s/.$//`
+		esac
+		in="${glob%\\} $in"
+	done
-	echo $in
+	echo "${in%% }"
 #=============== End functions relevant to --features and main ===============
@@ -801,7 +805,7 @@
 	u)	echo "===>>> The -u option has been deprecated" ; echo '' ;;
 	v)	PM_VERBOSE=vopt; ARGS="-v $ARGS" ;;
 	w)	SAVE_SHARED=wopt; ARGS="-w $ARGS" ;;
-	x)	EXCL=`globstrip $OPTARG` ;;
+	x)	EXCL="`globstrip "$OPTARG"` ${EXCL}" ; EXCL="${EXCL%% }" ;;
 	*)	echo '' ; echo "===>>> Try ${0##*/} --help"; exit 1 ;;
@@ -818,7 +822,7 @@
 if [ -n "$EXCL" ]; then
 	case "$EXCL" in
 	-*)	fail 'The -x option requires an argument' ;;
-	*)	ARGS="-x $EXCL $ARGS" ;;
+	*)	ARGS="-x '$EXCL' $ARGS" ;;
@@ -1461,16 +1465,21 @@
 check_exclude () {
+	local glob
 	[ -n "$EXCL" ] || return 0
-	case "$1" in
-	*${EXCL}*)
-	if [ -n "$PM_VERBOSE" ]; then
-		echo "===>>> Skipping $1"
-		echo "       because it matches the pattern: *${EXCL}*"
-	fi
-	return 1 ;;
-	esac
+	for glob in $EXCL
+	do
+		case "$1" in
+		*$glob*)
+			if [ -n "$PM_VERBOSE" ]; then
+				echo "===>>> Skipping $1"
+				echo "       because it matches the pattern: *$glob*"
+			fi
+			return 1 ;;
+		esac
+	done
 	return 0
@@ -1509,7 +1518,7 @@
 	[ -n "$DEPTH" ] && echo "	$DEPTH >> ${1#$pd/}"
 	if [ -z "$NO_ACTION" -o -n "$CONFIG_ONLY" ]; then
-		($0 $ARGS $1) || fail "Update for $1 failed"
+		(eval $0 $ARGS $1) || fail "Update for $1 failed"
 		. $IPC_SAVE
 		[ -n "$PM_VERBOSE" ] &&
@@ -1701,7 +1710,7 @@
 	if [ -n "$CONFIG_ONLY" ]; then
 		for port in $worklist; do
 			check_interactive $port || continue
-			($0 $ARGS $port) || fail "Update for $port failed"
+			(eval $0 $ARGS $port) || fail "Update for $port failed"
 			. $IPC_SAVE
@@ -1721,7 +1730,7 @@
 		check_interactive $port || continue
-		($0 $ARGS $port) || fail "Update for $port failed"
+		(eval $0 $ARGS $port) || fail "Update for $port failed"
 		. $IPC_SAVE
@@ -1968,7 +1977,7 @@
 	[ -d "$pd/$moved_npd" ] || no_valid_port
 	if [ "$$" -eq "$PARENT_PID" ]; then
-		$0 $ARGS -o $moved_npd $upg_port
+		eval $0 $ARGS -o $moved_npd $upg_port
 		exec $0 $ARGS -o $moved_npd $upg_port
--- portmaster.8.orig	2009-08-09 04:28:51.000000000 +1000
+++ portmaster.8	2009-08-09 04:36:49.000000000 +1000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD: ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster/files/portmaster.8,v 2.8 2009/07/29 23:26:14 dougb Exp $
-.Dd July 29, 2009
+.Dd August 8, 2009
@@ -296,7 +296,9 @@
 any arguments to supply to
 .Xr make 1
 .It Fl x
-avoid building or updating ports that match this pattern
+avoid building or updating ports that match this pattern.
+Can be specified multiple times, or supplied as a space-separated list of port
+globs surrounded by ''.
 .It Fl p Ar port directory in /usr/ports
 specify the full path to a port directory
 .It Fl -show-work

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