[kde-freebsd] devel/qt4-designer fails on -current

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 6 17:30:05 UTC 2009

Kent Stewart wrote:

> I had the same problem. It was fixed in a later update. You need to cvsup 
> again or what ever you use. 

I already have the latest version.

> You may hit problem with phonon, which the current UPDATING tells you to 
> delete. Using portupgrade, kdepim was updated after kdepimlibs and 
> kdepim-runtime were created and that deleted files in both that are needed by 
> *-workspace. You should delete kdepim before you continue.

I'm not using KDE, I'm just using vlc which requires qt (and IMO way
too much of it). I just tried deleting qt4-designer and vlc's
operation does not seem to be adversely affected, so that's how I'll
leave it for now.



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