status of FreeBSD ports you maintain as of 20090705

Alex Goncharov alex-goncharov at
Tue Aug 4 15:55:22 UTC 2009

,--- You/Doug (Tue, 04 Aug 2009 08:26:08 -0700) ----*
| > - increase the number of  volunteers/committers/testers...
| This is the only valid answer for FreeBSD.

Take a look at the PR submission and update dates in

(the port I maintain).

Doesn't it seem excessive to you, for an update as simple as that?

Wouldn't it be better for everybody if more people could commit the
changes in their ports themselves?  (Subject to a commit-privilege
revocation on a substantial breakage anyplace).

How could I, for example, turn from a volunteer to a committer?

Take also a look at the history of an attempt to volunteer elsewhere

Something doesn't feel right about the way ports are handled in
FreeBSD these days.

Of course, the easiest is to dismiss the voices of discontent.

-- Alex -- alex-goncharov at --

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