Porting ROX applications

Dylan Cochran a134qaed at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 04:30:11 UTC 2009

On 4/8/09, Jochen <freebsd at fahrners.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to FreeBSD and was looking for a system that runs on old
> hardware.
> I found ROX performs very well on old hardware and has a nice look &
> feel.
> Some ROX applications (e.g. rox-filer, rox-session) are already ported
> to FreeBSD, but many are missing.
> I want try to complete porting all ROX apps, but I'm not very familar
> with the ports system, maybe someone can help a newbie making the first
> steps. ;-)
> I have already ported some apps, but did not make the ports structure
> for submitting those ports.
> There is something special with the ROX apps. They are not installed
> file by file, but they consist of a whole directory tree that is
> installed into /usr/local/apps. It is not necessary to unpack them into
> a working dir, instead the tarball is extracted to /usr/local/apps and
> then "/usr/local/apps/mynewapp/AppRun --compile" is run, if the app
> contains some C code (many apps only consist of some python code and
> need not be compiled).

This may be the wrong way to go about it, as in the ROX world,
0install is the preferred method of distributing and installing
software. The only impetus for this working entirely as expected on
FreeBSD, is 0compile (which handles C compiling). If that portion of
0install is fixed, then it becomes a matter of downloading ROX-All,
extracting it to your home directory, and clicking on the apps you
want to run; with this in place the ports for ROX are down to two,
rox-apps (effectively extracting ROX-All to /usr/local/apps/, and

This has been an item on my todo list for over a year, but due to time
it has never been explored. I will gladly support any attempt to fix
it that you may make, though :)

> The task would be: unpack the tarball into /usr/local/apps, make some
> patches, run "AppRun --compile".
> 1. How can I do this with the ports system?
> My next problem is, finding the right dependices. My first port,
> ROX-CLib, depends on the following libraries:
> gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.1
> glib-2.0 >= 2.0.3
> libxml-2.0 >= 2.4.0
> 2. How can I find out the correct entries for the LIB_DEPENDS (name of
> the lib, package which contains this lib).
> Jochen
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