ntop exits with sig 11 on 7.1

Mike Jakubik mikej at rogers.com
Tue Nov 4 09:40:20 PST 2008


I just compiled a fresh copy of ntop on 7.1-PRERELEASE. i can run it and
view data via the web interface for about a minute, after which the
programs imply dies.

Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135274752]: NPS(1):
Started thread for network packet sniffing [bce0]
Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   INIT: Created pid file
Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135274752]: NPS(bce0):
pcapDispatch thread starting [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135274752]: NPS(bce0):
pcapDispatch thread running [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135270912]: SFP:
Fingerprint scan thread running [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:13 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135271168]: SIH: Idle
host scan thread running [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:23 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t178979072]: RRD: Started
thread for throughput data collection
Nov  4 12:05:23 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t178979072]: RRD:
Throughput data collection: Thread starting [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:23 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t135274496]: RRD: Data
collection thread running [p25092]
Nov  4 12:05:23 router ntop[25092]:   THREADMGMT[t178979072]: RRD:
Throughput data collection: Thread running [p25092]
Nov  4 12:06:41 router kernel: pid 25092 (ntop), uid 65534: exited on
signal 11
Nov  4 12:06:41 router kernel: bce0: promiscuous mode disabled

I have tried witha nd without TPC wrapper and using the system and ports
libpcap, no change. I have also searched around for this problem, but all
issues seem to be from very old versions of FreeBSD, and unrelated. Does
anyone have this port working on 7.1?

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