what do I do with python eggs?

Paul Chvostek paul+fbsd at it.ca
Wed May 28 20:34:13 UTC 2008

Thanks Greg.

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 02:06:45PM -0400, Greg Larkin wrote:
> > 
> > I'm making a port that uses Python and easy_install.  I'm not 
> > The catch is, it doesn't clean up.  A `make deinstall` or 
> Have a look at the www/trac-wikirename port, and I think you'll get some
> ideas there.  The pkg-plist includes the following:
> That should clean up the .egg file for you, but check this section of the
> Makefile, as you'll need something similar in yours:
> USE_PYTHON=	2.3+
> USE_PYDISTUTILS=	easy_install

Yup, this is pretty much exactly what I'm doing, but with

My pkg-plist contains three lines -- two scripts in ${PREFIX}/bin and
the line quoted above, verbatim.  Yet, when I `make deinstall`, I get:

  pkg_delete: cannot delete specified file '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twill-0.9-py2.5.egg' - it is a directory!
  this packing list is incorrect - ignoring delete request

A look into the installed package's +CONTENTS shows the egg directory as
if it were a normally installed file, though there is an @unexec line
that runs `easy_install -m` which I think may be part of the uninstall.

doesn't really help much.

Any further thoughts?

  Paul Chvostek                                             <paul at it.ca>

  "To larger sight, the rim of shadow is the line of light."
    - Thomas William Parsons

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