ImageMagick-6.4.1-3_1 selftest fails

Matthew Donovan kitche at
Sat May 24 20:27:39 UTC 2008

On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 03:47:51PM -0400, Kitche wrote:
> > Kitche wrote:
> >>> David Wolfskill wrote:
> >>> My experience was that ImageMagick did build, but it also put up a
> >>> little window with a message on it.  So my feeling is that the OP is
> >>> correct, and that at least on some versions of FreeBSD (in my case 7.0)
> >>> that access to an X11 environment is required for the port to install.
> >>
> >> ImageMagick port does not require X to build for the user that is
> >> building
> >> it. Sounds like either your ports is corrupted or something deeper on
> >> your
> >> system is causing this issue.
> >
> > As you can see from my original log, X is used.
> >
> > X is not required, since it is not used, if I build with 'su -' instead
> > of 'su' (and thus have a clear environment without DISPLAY being set).
> > If the build tries to use X and is denied, the test fails.
> >
> > The port is not corrupted... just have a look at these two tests:
> >
> > /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/work/ImageMagick-6.4.1/PerlMagick/t/x11/read.t
> > /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/work/ImageMagick-6.4.1/PerlMagick/t/x11/write.t
> >
> > Jan Henrik
> >
> Hmm I seem to lost my files I must have did a make clean in the
> imagemagick port since I do have it installed. Well did,  my ImageMagick
> just compiled fine though the tests in a TTY. Which is where I do most of
> my compiling anyways instead of inside a terminal in X.
> I m on 7.0 if that matters as well but I did see the test for X11 go by on
> my screen. maybe that is your issue maybe.
> the whole Su and su - is not related to this it seems considering I can su
> to my root account and it works.
> I'll try compiling ImageMagick on X to see if an error occurs.

Passes all tests in X on 7.0 for me 

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