ImageMagick-6.4.1-3_1 selftest fails

Jan Henrik Sylvester me at
Sat May 24 19:26:24 UTC 2008

David Wolfskill wrote:
> On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 04:38:02PM +0200, Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
>> ...
>>>> ImageMagick fails to build for me. I guess it is because I do the
>>>> build as root while a different user "owns the display". (I do
>>>> use kdm for login and start the build after su in a Konsole.)
>>> 	Built just fine for me, about an hour ago, on -CURRENT with no
>>> KDE involved.  OPTIONS screen worked fine.
>> Thanks. As I said, I tried to build with root while root was not allowed 
>> to use the display. Granting root access with 'xhost +local:' or 'setenv 
>> XAUTHORITY /usr/home/USER/.Xauthority' fixes the problem. Having to do 
>> that was kind of unexpected for me...
>> Maybe I was just wrong trying this with 'su' as root instead of properly 
>> being logged in with 'su -'. Having a DISPLAY=:0 set but being 
>> disallowed from using it, may not be expected.
> I don't use KDE, but I do use xdm(1), so if I understand correctly, I
> have a similar $DISPLAY ownership situation as yours.
> ImageMagick just built for me under 6.3-STABLE (also freshly built
> today).  (Although I track RELENG_6, RELENG_7, and HEAD daily, I only
> build ports under RELENG_6, as that's what I actually mostly use.)

Since only with the last commit to ImageMagick, IMAGEMAGICK_TESTS was 
turned back on by default, you may have saved OPTIONS with off being 
reused for the tests.

Jan Henrik

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