hier 7 question

Marc Spitzer mspitzer at gmail.com
Thu May 22 03:30:51 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Sahil Tandon <sahil at tandon.net> wrote:
> * Marc Spitzer <mspitzer at gmail.com> [05-21-2008]:
>> The configure script does not have a --testdir knob that I can set to
>> ${PREFIX}/libexec/test to install the test programs their, although it
>> does have one for everything else.  I can just just do 'mv
>> ${prefix}/test ${prefix}/libexec' to move it over, but that is what I
>> was saying looks very hackish.  So I guess my question is what would
>> be the correct way to move a directory tree over with out steping on
>> any preexisting directory there?
> Do the files have to be in a 'test' directory?  Perhaps you can just copy
> them into libexec/ sans the 'test' dir.

The problem with that is that there is a tree under test/ with over
200 files/subdirs in it.  And I would like to do this cleanly.  I do
have a request for a knob in with the developer though.


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