ports with bad plist when NO{DOCS,EXAMPLES,PORTDATA} defined

Ion-Mihai Tetcu itetcu at FreeBSD.org
Mon May 19 22:23:14 UTC 2008

On Mon, 19 May 2008 17:18:25 -0500
"Jeremy Messenger" <mezz7 at cox.net> wrote:

> > And how are updates tested - except when you hijack pointyhat :) ?  
> I think, most of us don't test it until pointyhat complain it. ;-) It's  


> very rare for *-reference ports to change with PORTDOCS=* unless they  
> added something like sometime ago doxygen/devhelp were added in  
> glibmm-reference and we got pointyhat error log for that. Well, also got  
> your error log for different case in same port.
> If I modify or rewrite reference framework, I would use static plist  
> instead of PORTDOCS=* and remove NOPORTDOCS option. It means that we will  
> have to test *-reference ports' plist at the each update. I don't know if  
> my team will like it, so I will have to ask if I am going to touch  
> reference framework (don't have time for that right now).

Not using PORTDOCS and not supporting NOPORTDOCS are different things, no?
On my desktop /usr/local/shre/docs is about 400MB.
I had to fit recently a pretty complex system on a small thingy. Had to
go in and remove a lot of things by hand o have place for the base
system and the port plus for some data.

> BTW/OT: I am against automatic dynamic pkg-plist:  
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/PortsToDo#head-d39af25709360f5285b40c03255de7465fa717fa  
> .. I perfer static plist, I use it awful a lot in offline. I wouldn't have  
> done share/gnome/ -> share/ quick without that static plist. Also it helps  
> a lot to notice if file(s) install in the wrong place. I use it a lot to  
> know which file/directory come from port.

Yeh, I'm all in favor of having all files listed in pkg-plist.

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"
FreeBSD committer -> itetcu at FreeBSD.org, PGP Key ID 057E9F8B493A297B
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