Port Submission Etiquette
Paul Schmehl
pauls at utdallas.edu
Wed May 7 02:37:42 UTC 2008
--On May 6, 2008 9:09:06 PM -0400 Sahil Tandon <sahil at tandon.net> wrote:
> I would like to submit a new port which "RUN_DEPENDS" another port; the
> latter did not exist in the tree, so I submitted it (ports/123382) on
> May 4. I fully appreciate the committers' various responsibilities and
> time constraints, so this is not a 'hey, what's taking you so long'
> query. Since this was my first submission, I am just trying to get a
> sense of proper etiquette. Is it bad form to email the committer who
> took responsibility of the PR asking whether I've made a glaring
> mistake which would be fixable via a follow-up? Or should I simply
> wait for a "feedback" request if that were the case?
Submit the second port and include a note that it depends on a port you
recently submitted. Cite the PR number and point out that the port you
are submitting should not be committed until the first port is.
Paul Schmehl (pauls at utdallas.edu)
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas
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