RFC: gnome dependency on devel/gio-fam-backend and gamin

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Mon Mar 24 20:27:23 PDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Dmitry Marakasov wrote:
| Hi!
| Could anyone comment on why should gnome/gtk apps depend on $subj?

Glib 2.16 (with GIO) was designed to support pluggable file monitor
backends.  Without one such backend, any libgio consumer would be
severely handicapped.  The only reason gio-fam-backend is broken out as
a separate port is that we have one FAM provider that requires glib.  If
this was not the case, we'd just have glib20 depend on FAM.

| --- bsd.gnome.mk, rev. 1.146
| _glib20_LIB_DEPENDS=	glib-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/glib20
| _glib20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc
| _glib20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnometarget pkgconfig
| glib20_RUN_DEPENDS=
| glib20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/gio/modules/libgiofam.so
| glib20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	_glib20
| ---
| I couldn't figure this out myself, so I've changed bsd.gnome.mk like it
| this:
| ---
| glib20_LIB_DEPENDS=	glib-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/glib20
| glib20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc
| glib20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnometarget pkgconfig
| ---
| and recompiled everytinh that depends on glib20. Everything is
| working fine, so wouldn't it be wiser to move gio-fam-backend to
| separate dependency in USE_GNOME, and only set it for ports which
| really need it?

Recompiling alone is not sufficient.  Ports will happily build without
this backend, but may not run correctly if they require libgio.  The
cost of the FAM dependency is minimal (most GNOME apps already had this
as part of gnome-vfs), and it just makes things easier for developers
not to have to worry about adding the gio-fam-backend dependency.


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