Preparing an Oracle Database XE port/package -- any tips ?

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Fri Mar 7 15:14:46 UTC 2008

Quoting Adrian Penisoara <ady at> (from Fri, 7 Mar 2008  
16:36:56 +0200):

> Hi,
>   After having to deploy an Oracle Database XE [1] installation (with Linux
> 32bit binaries from the official RPM package) on a production FreeBSD
> 6.2machine I realized it would be very much feasible to produce a
> FreeBSD
> port/package for it.
>   I would like to know whether similar efforts have been undergoing and
> whether people came up with some tips & tricks on this.
>  The goal is not only to add the port into FreeBSD's ports tree but also to
> eventually convince Oracle (I work for them) to post the package on their
> official download page.

I'm not aware of something like this. Feel free to ask questions  
regarding the linuxulator and our linux infrastructure in the ports on  
emulation at . Also feel free to ask for review of the port on emulation at .


Security isn't.    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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