FreeBSD Port: nagios-3.0.2_1

Wesley Shields wxs at
Fri Jun 27 23:50:22 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 05:03:38PM -0400, Frank Tavenner wrote:
> Hello Jarrod, 
> When I read the long description from it said Nagios 3.0.2_1
> was here "Port description for net-mgmt/nagios-devel" but when I went
> there on my freebsd 7.0 and installed it, I ended up with Nagios 3.0b5
> which is not what I really wanted, because things are different.

3.0.2_1 is the version that is currently in the ports tree.  3.0b5 is
the version that shipped with FreeBSD 7.0.

> I was hoping you could guide me to the right place to get to 3.0.2_1 or
> even 3.0.1 would be OK too.

You'll want to update the ports tree using either csup or portsnap, both
of which are provided in the base system.

-- WXS

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