portupgrade to Perl 5.10.0 ??

David Southwell david at vizion2000.net
Sat Jul 12 07:48:14 UTC 2008

On Friday 11 July 2008 14:30:11 Remko Lodder wrote:
> David Southwell wrote:
> > On Friday 11 July 2008 14:02:09 Remko Lodder wrote:
> >> David Southwell wrote:
> >>> On Friday 11 July 2008 11:53:50 you wrote:
> >>>> David Southwell wrote:
> >>>>> If we had to argue for every port on these terms everyone would spend
> >>>>> their time arguing and we would have none atall.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It is not as though Perl is an obscure bit of buggy code that none
> >>>>> uses.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If there is a request then simply a response to your last question is
> >>>>> needed.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Enough
> >>>>>
> >>>>> david.
> >>>>
> >>>> So, when can I expect your updated work on the port, build all
> >>>> dependencies to make sure they keep on working etc? I understand that
> >>>> we want to have this as soon as possible, but also do keep in mind
> >>>> that we would like to make sure as much as possible that the code can
> >>>> actually work. I am not aware of the reason for this taking longer
> >>>> then some of you expect. But I am sure that there is a reason. It all
> >>>> remains volunteer work and people might choose to do different things
> >>>> then satisfy your specific need. Not that I am saying we shouldnt do
> >>>> it, but I am stating that there is more then just your wish.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> remko
> >>>
> >>> This started because I asked a simple question. Is there a possibility
> >>> of getting perl 5.10.0 and when. I did not expect the third degree
> >>> <chuckles>
> >>>
> >>> Admittedly I am curious why it is taking six months when most ports do
> >>> not take that long - but curiosity does not imply personal antagonism,
> >>> criticsm or sarcasm.
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>> david
> >>
> >> It also doesn't imply that you can "demand" that people import 5.10.0
> >> because you want it, need it or whatever. It does mean that probably
> >> work is underway but that it stalled or something for a reason.
> >>
> >> "thanks"
> >> remko
> >
> > I have hear no demand from anyone  only reasonable curiosity following
> > six months delay. It is:
> > 1. reasonable to ask when
> > 2. Courteous to give a reply.
> >
> > David
> >
> > David
> And I told that you are entitled to do so, but your 'between the lines'
> stated more then just a question, which I ofcourse can understand.
> You have had your reply: I think work is underway, we do not know when
> it's available, but it will be as soon as possible.
> Thanks,
> remko

Are there particular obstacles that have caused the delay?


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