Critical vulnerability patch need in BINDx ports

Dennis Yusupoff denissia at
Wed Jul 9 18:58:48 UTC 2008

Доброго время суток, Doug!

DB> Dennis Yusupoff wrote:
>> Hello, Doug.
>> I hope, you've already seen patch for BINDx, that close critical
>> vulnerability.
>> Could you register it in your FreeBSD-port(s)?

DB> That change is included in the versions of BIND already in the ports.

DB> This is for BIND8...

I'm sorry.
I'm feeling idiot. %-)
I mean this one:
What will you say?

                                        С уважением, 
                                                   Юсупов Д. Р.          
-- TheBat! 4.0.24 
Написано 09.07.2008 в 22:52 в ответ на письмо от 09.07.2008 22:25

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