Upgrading xorg 6.9 to 7.3 -- what happened to xorg-upgrade?

Bob Willcox bob at immure.com
Thu Jan 31 19:26:19 PST 2008

On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 01:02:03AM +0000, Parish wrote:
> Bob Willcox wrote:
>> No, I'm not interested in the script(1) part. I am familiar with script
>> but wasn't interested in using it here. What I want is the xorg-upgrade
>> program that is used to move a bunch of x11 files to new places for the
>> 7.x version.
> xorg-upgrade is the file that script(1) spews all the output into so, if 
> the upgrade fails, you've got all the info to work out why (which is why 
> UPDATING suggests using script(1)). IIRC when I did the 6.9 -> 7.x upgrade 
> xorg-upgrade ended up being something like 30MB!!
>  From script(1):
>   script [-akq] [-t time] [file [command ...]]
> [...]
>   If the argument file is given, script saves all dialogue in file.

Thanks for the info Mark, however I do know what script does and why
one might use it (I've used it for years for just that, and I'm not
even trying to use it here).

What I was asking about (please re-read my subject line) was the
xorg-upgrade command itself. Where is it located? I can't find it
anywhere on any of my 10 FreeBSD systems (and I know it used to exist
because I have used it in the past).


> Regards,
> Mark

Bob Willcox                      A lack of planning on your part does
bob at immure.com                   not constitute an emergency on my part.
Austin, TX                          

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