
Robert Huff roberthuff at
Sun Jan 27 06:51:57 PST 2008

Frank Jahnke writes:

>  I installed Acroread8, which seems to work fine for my purposes.
>  I've not been able to get it to work from a browser with
>  nspluginwrapper using the usual installation methods (acroread8
>  --install-plugin; nspluginwrapper -a -v -i and diddling some with
>  the symbolic links).
>  Has anyone invoked Acroread8 from a native browser successfully
>  using nspluginwrapper?

	Yes.  I have it working, though creakily, on -CURRENT with
SeaMonkey 1.1 and FireFox 2.0.

					Robert Huff

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