Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at cox.net
Sat Jan 26 20:28:15 PST 2008
On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 17:10:50 -0600, Aryeh M. Friedman
<aryeh.friedman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
>> Hi!
>> After a long time, I've got a little free time and spent it working for
>> portupgrade.
>> A new version (2.4.0) was released.
>> * Many bugs fixed (thanks to reporters).
>> * At last I've finished rewriting code and portupgrade now controls all
>> tasks (before some port installed without a portupgrade note). As a
>> result portupgrade gathers all depends for a port. It spends a time for
>> preparing in the beginning of a upgrade process.
>> * I've change unused -c and -C options to allow run 'make
>> config-conditional' and 'make config' (force options change) before all
>> processing.
>> Test the release please. To move from portupgrade to portupgrade-devel
>> port, use the command:
>> portupgrade -fo ports-mgmt/portupgrade-devel portupgrade
>> If you'll want to back to stable porupgrade, use the command:
>> portupgrade -o ports-mgmt/portupgrade portupgrade-devel
> This breaks certain ports (portupgrade -a) that have multiple ports
> that can satisfy a depends. For example net-p2p/deulge depends on
> devel/boost but multimedia/miro depends on devel/boost-python. The
> only difference between boost and boost-python is boost-python sets
> the -DWITH_PYTHON flag and lists lang/python
> - -2.5 while boost does not depend on it and makes the user specify the
> above flag from the command line. Under the old portugrade it relied
> on miro and/or deluge to detect its own depends and since both did it
> by xDEP on the installed files either whould be accepted. Under the
> new one portupgrade attempts to build from index depends thus does not
> allow this interchangablity.
The boost and boost-python ports need to be fix, not other tools or other
stuff. It will be great if you quit email me related with this as I am
getting tired with this issue, thanks.
> - --
> Aryeh M. Friedman
> FloSoft Systems, Java Tool Developers
> Developer, not business, friendly
> http://www.flosoft-systems.com
> "Free software != Free beer"
> Blog:
> http://www.flosoft-systems.com/flosoft_systems_community/blogs/aryeh/index.php
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> =MkU8
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