lsof and ZFS

Dmitry Morozovsky marck at
Sat Jan 5 07:10:49 PST 2008

On Sat, 5 Jan 2008, Wesley Shields wrote:

WS> > > can anyone sched me a light when lsof start supporting ZFS under FreeBSD? I 
WS> > > tried to quick hack configure, but did not have much success...
WS> > > 
WS> > I actually talked to the author the other day on a different matter, and
WS> > he mentioned that he is planning to add ZFS support.  Unfortunatly, the
WS> > FreeBSD -CURRENT machine he used,, is down right now,
WS> > so we're working on finding another machine he can access.  So
WS> > hopefully, real soon now(tm).
WS> I have a machine which fits that description I would be glad to give him
WS> access to.
WS> There is actually a PR for this (119041).  The maintainer wishes to hold
WS> off on adding a custom patch to the port in favor of the next upcoming
WS> version which should support ZFS.

I see, thanks.

The only additional thing I would like to bring attention at is the fact that 
ZFS can be used as root, requiring to additionally patch lsof like FreeSBIE 
people did for cd9660 root.

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
[ FreeBSD committer:                                 marck at ]
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