Problems with OpenOffice 2.3.1 on FreeBSD

Predrag Punosevac punosevac at
Tue Jan 1 12:09:23 PST 2008

Robert Huff wrote:
> Philipp Ost writes:
>>  > Any ideas? This is a serious situation to me, due to the need of a 
>>  > properly working OO :-(
>>  No, perhaps using an other word processor (AbiWord, StarOffice). Or 
>>  going back to OOo 2.3.0...
> 	This has been discussed within the last two weeks on the
> openoffice@ list.  A message from Peter Jeremy on December 14
> contains both information about the cause and a patch.
> 					Robert Huff
> _______________________________________________
I am not an OpenOffice user but my 2c about the topic  as  the problem I 
think underline more serous issue.

The question is why is OpenOffice 2.3.1 included in the ports three so 
quickly without making sure that things work properly.
BSD systems are genuinely known for their stability and code correctness 
which is why most people decided to use them on the first place.
Rushing to include new software in the ports three without proper 
testing is seriously going to damage  usability of the whole OS.
In my understanding ports tree is supporting stable and the current 
brunch. I am of the opinion  that  the ports  three  of the  stable  
branch  should not include  nothing but  the rock  solid and tested  
software.  The  easiest  way for me to  check if the port is bleeding 
edge that  is to  try to install the same  software  using binaries. 
(pkg_add -r) If the binaries do not exist or if the version installed 
from binaries is older that clearly indicates that the port version is 
too new to be trusted.

I personally found out that Xfce4-panel is not compiling properly on 
stable and also Orage (calendar for Xfce) While
problems with Xfce4-panel  are not as serious as with Orage (which is 
not usable in any shape or form on FreeBSD) they are still serious.
The same packages work flawlessly on the OpenBSD.

Happy New Year to Everybody


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