FreeBSD Port: pdflib-7.0.2

James oscartheduck at
Wed Feb 13 02:13:21 UTC 2008

Brett Davidson wrote:
> Hello.
> Attempted to install this however this bombs out on pdflib-lite with 
> the following error :
> fetch: 
> File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
> Can you please help me with this?

Is the port misnamed? It's called pdflib-7.0.2, but it's trying to 
download 7.0.0p3.

Either way, try a wget from and put 
the resultant file in /usr/ports/distfiles then try to make the port 
again. Assuming the file's kosher, it should pass the checksum and bob's 
your mother's brother.


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