Do SpamAssassin spamd and Obspamd play nicely together?

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Wed Feb 6 03:45:21 PST 2008

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

>Here's an example of one which I should probably track down in our SMTP
>logs to see if the delay was caused by something other than redelivery
>time on the remote SMTP server:
>  X-Greylist: delayed 16000 seconds by postgrey-1.30 at; Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:33:09 PST
Obviously, I can't tell you if this particular entry has legitimate 
reasons or not.  However, I think you mentioned in an earlier message 
that you didn't believe that a delay of the magnitude of 19 hours ought 
to be possible.   From a competent mail service, one would hope not, but 
some months ago I found myself completely unable to send messages to 
most FreeBSD mailing lists and debugged this with sterling help from 
postmaster at .

My email provider could wait *days* before retrying an email which was 
greylisted.  It took four days for a message to arrive in test@ and the 
mail logs clearly showed them failing to retry at any kind of acceptable 

For the record, this was my broadband provider - now 
owned by Virgin - who were *no help whatsoever*.  Luckily, I have kept 
up a dial-in provider as well and always used my email address from 
them; they provide an authenticated SMTP gateway, so I'm not 
disenfranchised any longer :-)  (They've recently been taken over by 
Tiscali, so I hope that their previous standard of service keeps up).

Just a data point for the archives.  Great obspamd write-up too!


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