Handing references to GPL within ports

Dmitry Marakasov amdmi3 at amdmi3.ru
Thu Sep 13 04:08:35 PDT 2007

* Peter Jeremy (peterjeremy at optushome.com.au) wrote:

> What is the preferred mechanism for handling this?
> - Ignore the Porter's Handbook and install the file anyway
> - Create a symlink to an existing copy of the GPL.
>   (In which case, where do I find a GPL that will always exist)
> - Change the hyperlink to point to a copy of the GPL on the Internet
> - something else.
I think it's better to not bother and install GPL file.
Not like it's some kind of terrible never-NEVER-do-it thing.

Best regards,
  Dmitry Marakasov               mailto:amdmi3 at amdmi3.ru

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