p5-Mail-SpamAssassin 3.2.0 - one month now

Olivier Mueller om-lists-bsd at omx.ch
Thu May 31 09:58:23 UTC 2007

Le 23 mai 07 à 00:13, Michael Scheidell a écrit :
> Olivier Mueller wrote:
>> Just wondering if you could use any help about this port update?   
>> What
>> is the problem you are talking about?  I just saw your PR but it's
>> already a few weeks old:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/112502 And as  
>> spamassassin 3.2.0 has quite a lot of enhancements...
> Freebsd has frozen the ports tree.  I sent them updates, and it  
> will take a while till they unfreeze ports.

It has been nearly one month now since SA 3.2.0 has been released,  
and the port tree is unfrozen since one or two weeks too: what about  
updating the port, or why isn't this happening?  Do you need more  
"beta testers"?  I know I can get the files/patches directly from the  
PR page (updated last week), but getting them via a cvsup would be  
nicer :-)

Thanks & regards,

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